From the Rector…

From the Rector …

Depending on how exactly you count, I’ve had close to twenty-two first days of school. I won’t make you do the math, but let’s just say this means that in a supermajority of my Septembers, I’ve strapped on my backpack, stood outside with my parents (or wife!) for the obligatory “first day of school” photo, and then headed off into the unknown amid a flood of tears. (And sometimes I cried, too.)

Well, a new school year’s just begun here in Boston, and the goodbyes have been… a little different. Fewer backpacks, more headphones. Fewer lunchboxes, more Wi-Fi extenders. (Just about the same number of parental tears.)

I’m reminded, as those of us with kids at home become accidental homeschoolers, how central the home is in the Jewish tradition of religious education. For many Jews, the primary place a person learns to be Jewish isn’t a synagogue or a Hebrew school; it’s the home. It’s a tradition found 2,600 years ago in the Book of Deuteronomy: These words that I am commanding you today must always be on your minds. Recite them to your children. Talk about them when you are sitting around your house and when you are out and about, when you are lying down and when you are getting up. (Deuteronomy 6:6–7 CEB)

Our children and their teachers will muddle through math together this year, one way or another. Somehow, between our own meetings, we’ll help them with home lab experiments and toddler cooking projects. But I wonder, whether you live with children or with a spouse or alone: What are the lessons we’ll teach one another this fall? What are the words that are always on our minds? What do we recite to one another? What do we talk about when we’re just sitting around?

Most of us never meant to be teachers. But I wonder what hidden things we have to teach. And most of us are no longer students. But I know we still have a lot to learn.


From the Rector …


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. – Philippians 1:2

In French, they say, “Good day” or “Health!” In Hebrew, “Peace”; in Hawaiian, “Love.” In English, we say “Hello,” the strange telephone greeting that only barely won out over Alexander Graham Bell’s preferred suggestion for how to greet a caller: “Ahoy!” (Is it possible we missed out on having a smartphone called the iHoy?)

The Church, though, has its own greetings: “Grace to you and peace.” From the earliest letters of Paul to our modern-day “passing of the peace,” we recognize that it’s not enough for us just to say “hello” to our family in the Church. It’s not enough just to acknowledge one another’s presence with an “ahoy” as we pass by. We offer one another grace; we pray for one another’s peace.

Well, I’m here now, settling into my new office, getting ready for our first Sunday service together, and looking forward to meeting and greeting you all.

It’s a strange time to become your rector, but I wanted to share with you a few ways we can get to know one another: 
1. I’ll be hosting a weekly Zoom “Coffee with the Rector” on Wednesdays, from 8:30-9:30am. Feel free to drop in for a few minutes before you log on to work or after you’ve sorted the kids out for school, or come and stay as long as you’d like. Click here any time between 8:30am and 9:30am this coming Wednesday morning to say hello!
2. I’d love to meet one-on-one for a Zoom or phone call, a conversation outside in the Garden, or a walk somewhere around Charlestown. You can email me at or call the office at (617) 242-1272. Both Priscilla and I will be in the office on Tuesday from 9am until 2pm.  We can also access voice mail remotely, so feel free to leave a message as we both continue working primarily from home.
3. We’ll be organizing a few group get-togethers in the coming weeks and months, on Zoom or outdoors. Stay tuned for dates, times, and details on how to sign up.

Finally, of course, I’ll be leading our Sunday worship every week, so I’ll look forward to seeing you there, in person or virtually. I can’t wait to get to know each one of you, and to have to opportunity to say hello. But for now, I’ll just say…


From Saint John’s 02129 Wardens, Vestry, and Search Committee

Reverend Gregory B. Johnston

We are delighted to welcome Reverend Gregory B. Johnston as the next Rector of Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Charlestown, MA!

Greg is inspirational, teaching, empowering, organized, and loving — exactly the kind of Rector Saint John’s was looking for. His preaching is phenomenal, he is deeply committed to community outreach, he is comfortable and capable of managing the technological aspects of online worship in the time of COVID-19, he is deeply drawn to one-on-one pastoral relationships with parishioners, and he has an incredible gift for forming meaningful connections.

Greg currently serves at Saint Anne’s Episcopal Church in Lincoln, Massachusetts, where he has been Curate, since 2018. At Saint Anne’s, Greg preaches regularly, teaches the adult forum and teen confirmation programs, and ministers to homebound parishioners. Among many notable accomplishments at Saint Anne’s, Greg designed and implemented a new teen formation program, and served as part of the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable.

Greg graduated from Harvard University and obtained his Masters of Divinity from Yale’s Berkeley Divinity School, with a diploma in Anglican Studies. Prior to his service at Saint Anne’s, he served at Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and was the Director of Religious Education at Trinity Episcopal Church in New Haven, Connecticut. 

Greg grew up in Winchester (though he was raised in the Congregational Church and thus, no, he did not attend the Parish of the Epiphany!). He first heard about Saint John’s from our former Godly Play teachers, Reverend Emily Garcia, and Rachel Pfost. He currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with his wife Alice and their two-year-old son.

The Search Committee officially recommended Greg to the Vestry following a nine-month search process, the Vestry issued its call to Greg on August 11, and he accepted the call that same day. The Wardens and Vestry have finalized a mutual covenant of ministry with Greg, and he is set to assume the position of Rector of Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Charlestown, MA on September 15th, 2020.

The Search Committee, the Vestry, and our new Rector are incredibly grateful for the prayers of the entire Saint John’s community throughout this process, and we are all looking forward to beginning this next phase of ministry at Saint John’s together.

Reverend Gregory B. Johnston, his wife Alice, and their two-year-old Murray.

Join Us for Worship on ZOOM!

THURSDAY – Centering Prayer at 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link
Meeting ID: 617 230 4214
Password: 072932

SUNDAY – Morning Prayer at 10am
Jane Struss leads Morning Prayer at 10am. 
Please copy and paste the address below into your browser … or call one of the numbers listed. We look forward to worshiping together!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 4609 8604
One tap mobile
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Recent News, from Your Rector Search Committee

From, Your Rector Search Committee

June 25, 2020

We know it’s been a while since you have heard from us, and we wanted to provide you with a brief update on the Rector search process.  We are delighted to report that the Search Committee is now actively interviewing candidates who have put forward their names to be our next Rector.  Under the latest guidelines from the Diocese, we are allowed to complete much of the process virtually — interviews, reviews of sermons and liturgy, and everything else that might have traditionally been done in person.  We are doing exactly that, and we have an excellent pool of candidates with whom we are engaging in discussion and discernment.

As we have mentioned before, this is the “quiet” and confidential phase of the search process.  While we would love to share more with you, out of respect for the candidates and the process, we cannot — and we hope you’ll understand!  That said, we are of course happy to provide any information and answer any questions that we can.  Please feel free to reach out to Evie, Louis, or any of the members of the committee if you have any questions.  And please, please, please continue to pray for St. John’s, for the work of the committee, and for all of the candidates as we continue on this journey of discernment together.