About the Great Vigil of Easter

“This is the night when Christ broke the bonds of death and rose victorious from the grave. Tonight we hear the ancient stories of God’s redeeming work, moving from darkness to light, from solemn chant to joyful song, as we celebrate the glorious Resurrection.”

—from the Washington National Cathedral 2012

The Great Vigil is the oldest tradition of the Christian church except for the Eucharist and is meant to tell an ancient story which is so important and central to our lives as Christians and as members of St John’s. In a way, this is our tribal song…words, music and ritual in one space. It is told to every generation, it is told every year. The Great Vigil begins in the dark, as the fire of new life is lit and spread to the whole church and finally bells are rung and we hear the first Gloria and the first Alleluias of the new season of Easter. We are literally shouting for joy! This is the first service of Easter followed by services on Easter Day. You are encouraged to bring bells from home to ring for the Vigil, big bells and little ones.

Dan Simpson’s Trip to Nepal

Dan in the mountains of Nepal with fellow hikers. October 2012

Dan in the mountains of Nepal with fellow hikers. October 2012

Dan Simpson shared stories and slides from his recent trip to Nepal at the Sunday Forum on February 24th, after the 1o am service. While he was in Nepal, Dan, who is a physician, worked in a hospital for a time,  and also did lots of trekking and kayaking. He has many beautiful pictures of mountains and monasteries and of his coleagues in Nepal.


The 172nd Annual Harvest Fair

An Enduring Charlestown Tradition for 172 Years

The 172nd Annual Harvest Fair was a great success by any measure. Over $9000 was raised to support the mission and ministry of Saint John’s.  Friends from afar returned, and many persons visited Saint John’s for the first time. We are grateful to all who contributed to the fair journal, to the Turkey Dinner, to the bountiful tables of goods for sale, and to all those who gave of their time to work, and to shop!

Special thanks go to Carol Mercuri, our Fair chairperson, and to Steve Spinetto, Turkey Dinner organizer, and Laura Simons, Fair Journal editor.  And next year will be even better!