175th Anniversary Gala Celebration


St John’s Church, Charlestown

and the

Charlestown Historical Society

cordially invite you to

A Gala Celebration of the 175th Anniversary
of St John’s Church

Featuring a viewing of

The Wolcott Cutler Lantern Slide Collection of Old Charlestown


A Silent Auction


Festive Food, Drink and Live Music!

Saturday, April 25th, 5:30 to 8:30 pm
at the
Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank Building,
One Thompson Square
3rd floor (elevator access)

Tickets are $35
available online at www.175Years.stjohns02129.org
or at the door.

Proceeds from the evening will benefit the Harvard-Kent Leadership and Scholarship Partnership, The Kennedy Center, Harvest on Vine, Charlestown Lacrosse and the restoration of St John’s Church.

Service for Lee Garrsion

A Service of Death and Resurrection will be held for Lee Garrison on Saturday, May 3 at 10:30 am at St. John’s Church.  A reception will follow in the Parish House. Lee died on April 25 at her home, surrounded by the paintings and books she loved. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.


Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM is about Christian formation. It’s a small group experiential learning program for people who desire to both educate themselves more deeply in the Christian tradition, and deepen their spirituality. It began back in the ‘80s at the Episcopal Seminary in Sewanee, Tennesee.

An EfM seminar group is facilitated by a trained mentor and meets weekly over the course of an academic year. The curriculum of readings covers four years: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History and Theology to the present day. The group worships and prays together and engages in a process of theological reflection. Theological reflection is a structured conversation by which students connect their personal lives with the insights that come from the tradition. There is a modest tuition. The diocese of Massachusetts is one of the sponsoring dioceses of EfM. Most participants love the experience, desire to finish up and graduate after four years, and come away feeling inwardly transformed and with an understanding of themselves as ministers ordained in Baptism.

Join us on Sunday April 14, 11:45-12:30, for a brief presentation by our Priest Associates and EfM diocesan co-coordinators, the Revd’s Lyn G. Brakeman and Richard J. Simeone. Hear more. Ask your questions. Consider your own interest in being part of an EfM group, starting in the fall of 2013.