An Invitation to Join the Altar Guild

communion photoEach Sunday, members of the Altar Guild carry out the meaningful ministry of preparing our place of worship, in particular the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Members are responsible for setting the altar each Sunday, preparing for baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and making sure the linens, silver, and brass are in tip-top shape.

Have you considered joining the Altar Guild? Here are some reasons God may be calling you to this ministry:

You will be joining a host of other individuals who week by week create our services of worship, including choir members, acolytes, readers, ushers, and coffee hour hosts. By being part of the Altar Guild, you will be making a valuable offering to our community’s worship life.

You will grow spiritually. Members of the Altar Guild find this work to be a true ministry of devotion and prayer. For members of the Altar Guild, worship begins the moment they enter the sacristy before the formal service has started. This ministry can be a form of prayer that enriches your life.

You will discover a community within a community. Members gather as a guild several times during the year to clean and polish vessels and furnishings. Luette Bourne, Altar Guild Directress, also hosts several gatherings during the year at her home, for good food and for time to learn more about this essential ministry. You will grow in faith, and have fun!

Altar Guild members serve on a rotation, so it is not an every Sunday responsibility. If you would like to learn more, please contact Tom. He and Luette will be happy to answer questions you may have.