Evensong on 4th Friday of the month


Sung Evensong is based on the Book of Common Prayer’s Evening Prayer, Rite II. It is sometimes led by clergy and choir, but that isn’t essential. Like Morning Prayer it may be a service led by a lay parishioner. Our Sung Evensong is led by Jane Struss (who hopes that others might like to do the same) on the fourth Friday of the month at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary.
(N.B. Evensong has been switched from the third to the fourth Friday of the month.)

There are some hymns and readings and candles are lit for the intentions of the person lighting. The rest of the service is chanted by the cantor and the participants in Plainsong. It’s simple to sing (no special training needed) and is intended to be a contemplative service to quietly close the work-week.

Here are links to two pdf files with the music for the order of service with plainchant and the hymns.