Now and at the Hour of Our Death: Medical Decision-Making in the 21st Century

Join us on Saturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm for an interactive seminar providing knowledge and resources to help in navigating today’s complex healthcare system and prepare for the future.

Participants will learn about the evolution of Christian understanding of illness and mortality, recognize advances in public health and medical innovations that contribute to the complexity of choices faced by patients and families, and gain knowledge of the nuts-and-bolts of advance directives, living wills, and other health care proxy forms.

The seminar will be led by the Reverend Deacon Daphne B. Noyes, with two decades of experience as a hospital chaplain, and Christine Gryglik, RN, CNS, a critical care nurse with extensive experience in major teaching hospitals and the Air Force.

The seminar is a followup to discussions that began as part of our series, The Alpha and the Omega: Living into Death and Dying into Life.

A registration fee of $25 covers lunch and a “toolbox” containing a complete set of information about every aspect of the topic.

Click here for more information and to obtain a registration form:
Registration Form

You can also register by calling the church office at 617-242-1272.