Celebrate Epiphany with Worship, Potluck Brunch, and a Visit from our Bishop

Dear Friends,

The Feast of the Epiphany is the  day on which we conclude our Christmas celebrations. Traditionally observed on January 6, we will hold our celebration as part of the 10 am worship service on January 5th. There will be only one service that day, so we invite those who attend the 8 am service to gather at the 10 am service.

We will hear the story of the visitation of the Magi (the wise ones who traveled from the East following the star to Bethlehem), and we will also greet Bishop Shaw, who will preside and preach. Afterwards, there will be a celebratory brunch, and a time of conversation with the bishop.  Please read on to see how you can help with the brunch. This is a wonderful opportunity to thank Bishop Shaw for his two decades of service to our diocese. I hope you can join us.



Sunday January 5 Potluck Brunch after Worship

We’ll have a simple but joyful brunch after the 10 am worship service. If you are able to contribute to the meal, please bring something to share – desserts, crackers, cheese, vegetable platters, sandwiches – any kind of easy to eat finger food is welcome. It will help up plan if you can contact Kathleen McCormick to let her know what you are bringing (or if you want to know what would be good to add to the table. You can reach her at: ks_mccormick@comcast.net